Children's Books
"The Featherton's Adventures" series takes young readers on heartwarming journeys into the enchanted forest, where the Feathertons, a loving family of birds, learn important life lessons and share their wisdom with newfound friends. Through these enchanting tales, children discover the values of love, patience, kindness, and friendship while exploring the beauty of nature. Join the Feathertons as they navigate the wonders of the forest, meet diverse woodland creatures, and embark on adventures filled with joy, learning, and spiritual growth. Each book in this series offers valuable lessons and heartwarming moments, making it a delightful and enriching reading experience for children and families alike.
"Birds of Faith: A Feathered Tale" is based on the bible's verse Philippians 4:6-7
"Words of Grace: A Feathered Tale" is based on the bible's verse Colossians 3:13
"Wings of Kindness: A Feathered Tale" is based on the bible's verse Matthew 22:39
"Learning Patience: A Feathered Tale" is based on the bible's teachings on Patience